Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cleaning Off Negative Energy

I always recommend that you learn to meditate and that you start journaling—two excellent ways to find out how you really feel and to process those feelings. It’s the unprocessed negative feelings you have about yourself that make up your shadow side. And guess what? Your shadow energy attracts other dark energy just like a magnet attracts metal. When Sally slimes you, it sticks. Like everything else in life, you’ve played a role in what has happened to you; you aren’t a helpless victim.

Clearing Slime
As I say in Be Your Own Shaman, “Every time you have an unpleasant encounter, spend a few quiet minutes alone. Go inside yourself and ask whether you feel as if you got slimed. Ninety percent of the time, you’ll immediately know if you did or not.”

So, what to do?

To get rid of slime, you can take a Clearing Bath. Add one pound of sea salt and one pound of baking soda to bath water that’s a comfortable temperature and not too hot. Soak for twenty minutes. After you drain away the bath water, take a shower and wash your hair. It’s that simple to remove any slime you picked up.

Alternatively, you could go for a swim in the ocean or spend twenty minutes in the sun with your body fully exposed to the sun’s rays (with no sunscreen).

Afterwards, if you feel reinvigorated, clean and fresh, you’ll know it was simply low-level slime you were dealing with. By the next day, you’ll feel refreshed and well-rested, your energy field will be charged, and you’ll be ready to face the world again with a smile on your face.

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