Monday, August 26, 2013

Big Mistake.
"Mistakes are the portals of discovery."
~James Joyce

So, this past week I made a mess. I made a pretty big mistake. And, initially I started beating myself up. Berating myself... Yes, I'm human too. And, after I allowed myself to sit in the muck and really feel shitty for a bit, I brushed myself off and looked at all the amazing lessons I learned. In fact, if I hadn't made such a mess NOW, there's a chance I would have made an even bigger mess down the road... So, I'm choosing to be grateful. To be thankful for the learning, the discovery. It's a refreshing shift... and feels a hell-of-a lot better than beating myself up. Afterall, pencils have erasers for a reason. We all make a mess from time to time. You clean it up. Handle yourself with grace. And, learn your lessons.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Soul tribe

Get real.
"As we grow up, we realize it is less important to have lots of friends, and more important to have real ones."
~Amanda McRae

So, no shit, right? I think that many of us "get" this cognitively, but just take a sec to survey your friendship landscape How REAL is the tribe around you? Do your best buds call your ass out, defend your best life, and give to you the same way you give to them? It's more than just years of history or having a good time together... it's about having peeps in your corner. No matter what. That get you. That support you. And your biggest life. So... if you are thinking of someone right now who IS that constant positive force in your life, take the time to TELL them today. And if you don't, start thinking about the soul sisters and brothers you want to attract into your orbit. Be conscious and you will create whatever support you need. Go get 'em.

Monday, August 19, 2013

13 days passed

Wow, I haven't written in that long! And it's not because I did it all intentionally. I have also been limited by no internet at my apartment and busyness at work! It's been great to just let things happen and settle on their own, without much need for writing. It's like seeing something a new light. Like a leaf is turning.

Here I am. At my classroom in Detroit, sittin with one foot kicked up at my desk at 8:30 pm. Gots things to get done. Gotta get this place together.

Anyway, here is what I wanted to post today. Many hugs!

"If what you are doing is NOT moving you towards your goals, then it's moving you AWAY from them ."
~Brian Tracy

We don't usually think about our goals on terms like this, do we? So, take a minute... Look around you... that "thing" you are dying for: the career shift, the relationship, the kids, whatever... what are you DOING and BEING in order to call that into your existence? And, more importantly, is there anything you are hanging on to that is actually repelling those things from happening? Sometimes, its not about our action toward a goal, it's about all the clutter we keep in our lives that messes up our vibration. (Or... f* with our frequency, as I like to irreverently put it.) So, check yourself and make sure BOTH are happening: action toward your greatest goal/desire AND elimination (even if gradual) of anything NOT moving you towards that goal. Why not set yourself up for success? Clean up the stuff that doesn't serve you and CREATE what does. You got this.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Consciously choose your soul tribe.

Monday, August 5, 2013

The moment I realized he never really loved me.

Just an experience with my mind, body, and soul.

Thank you for visiting Planet JB. I hope you enjoyed the ride.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

5 Simple Ways to Respond to Negative People

Many of the most valuable lessons I have learned have come from people I most definitely do not want to be like. You know the type.

For example, I have a family member who is the embodiment of cynicism, doom and gloom. He rarely has anything positive to say and his dark jokes revolve around someone else’s misfortune.

Whenever asked, "How’s it going?" he details his latest job woes in a manner that reflects his view that the world is out to get him. He can also talk for hours about his dark conspiracy theories.

Being around him can be draining, to say the least. Most family members suffer in silent resignation, head for another room, or step out into the garden for some fresh air to get away.

I often do the same. At other times, I feel compassion and attempt to share the benefits of seeing life from a more elevated perspective while also hinting at the importance of taking ownership of one's shadow.

There are also times when, if I am not careful, I find myself getting drawn into the gravitational pull of his dark energy. When this happens, he unloads his grievances and walks away with a light spring in his step while I am left feeling like I need a shower.

In other words: this man is a fantastic ally. He has taught me incredible lessons about where and why I allow myself to be pulled off center and out of my heart. Through him, I have woken up to when this happens.

As a form of protection, I have created an internal checklist to respond to people both at work and at home who are negative or stuck in a dark mood. The checklist goes like this:

1. What does this person need?

Is there a chance that a positive input is being sought? If the answer is yes, then share something to lift the mood. If the answer is no, keep the interaction brief and walk away.

2. Are they acting as a mirror?

The answer is yes if we are being sucked in. When there is a pull, there is a resonance. Someone or something "out there" shows us where we are resisting the flow of life. When this is the case, we can breathe in deeply and accept what is.

3. This too will pass.

While we can offer compassion and point to other alternatives, we are not responsible. Suffering is a choice. When we maintain our state, we are part of the solution rather than adding to the illusion. In this way, we create space for an opening of awareness to happen, which is more than enough.

4. Avoidance is O.K.

We can protect and safeguard the sanctity of our internal state by making sure we are with people who nurture us. On other occasions, when we have no alternative as a consequence of work or family obligations, we can remain upbeat and keep turning every negative comment into a positive. Do it for long enough and it works wonders. If the other person cannot get you on his or her negative side, they will eventually give up.

5. Love really is the answer.

Everything always comes down to love. If we love and respect ourselves, we do not give ourselves away so cheaply. We do not come down from our state. We do not concede who we are for the sake of someone’s need to off-load. We can listen with love. We only get dumped on when we allow ourselves to become part of the drama.


The next time that person comes your way, be grateful. No matter how mean, dark-spirited or negative they may be, they are here to teach us how to love, honor and respect who we are and what we have to offer the world.

I would say that is an invaluable gift wouldn’t you?

5 Tips to Stay Inspired

1. Carry A Journal. No matter where I am or what I am doing I will have a little journal with me. It's in my purse, it's beside my bed... It's everywhere. Just carrying the journal is my constant reminder to write down ideas. Now, I don't use all the ideas I write down. For me, the act of jotting down ideas helps keep me in a creative mindset. The more ideas I write down, the more I have... and the better they become!

2. Find A New Muse. Oh my... the concept of a muse is so silly to me, but it really works! My current muse(s) can be anything from a band I'm loving to a movie that stuck with me or a vintage trend I want to re-create. A muse can be absolutely anything, but it's fun to find one with enough history to keep you studying for a while. The more you learn about your muse, the more inspiration you'll receive.

3. Develop A Creative Playlist. Several years ago I started painting on a daily basis. I had a favorite album at the time that I would play when I was working. Pretty soon I could only listen to that band when working... if it came on while I was driving it felt weird. I learned the value in having some comfort music to get me into work mode. This is especially valuable for people who work from home. Sometimes you need something to mentally put you into a creative state of mind and a playlist can most definiately do that for you! I like to have a different playlist (or favorite album) for every major creative season or project that I work on. These songs will bring back wonderful memories later on... trust me.

4. Refresh Your Workspace. This next one works wonders for me! One day I'm painting, the next day designing dresses and then working on a new art journal course the next... All of these different projects can make a studio VERY messy and that can cause stress.

My favorite thing to do when I need a pick me up is to rearrange just one little part of my studio. You don't have to clean or reorganize the entire space, but clear a table and arrange your supplies so that you have a fresh spot to work. If you need some extra happiness in your space grab a pretty bouquet of flowers from the grocery store or take a few hours to create a new inspiration wall. Refreshing your workspace can work wonders!

5. Prove Yourself Wrong! We've all been guilty of saying things like "I would love to, but I don't have time" or "I could never do that". These attitudes are so common, but they probably aren't even true. I know it sounds a little cliché, but if you believe you can do something... you can! It's a magical feeling to set a goal that feels a little bit impossible and then achieve it. I've marked quite a few things off my list that I used to believe I couldn't do. Proving yourself wrong is a great way to stay inspired because you'll be more motivated than ever when you meet your goal.

I hope these 5 Tips resonate with you. I love being inspired and want you to share the joy! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! elsie
With the blood of my parents in me, I will overcome all adversity.

Love you mom and pop.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Be Social About Your Gratitude Practice

Our relationships with others are the greatest determinant of our happiness. So it makes sense to think of other people as we build our gratitude. Robert Emmons suggests that focusing our gratitude on people for whom we’re thankful rather than circumstances or material items will enhance the benefits we experience. And while you’re at it, why not include others directly into your expression of gratitude? One Happify activity involves writing a gratitude letter to someone who had an impact on you whom you’ve never properly thanked. You could also share the day’s grateful moments around the dinner table. The conversations that follow may give you even more reasons to give thanks.