Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This world is crazy. Hold onto those who help you hold on.
This world is crazy. Hold onto those who help you hold on.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Post-College Life

I have so much respect for people who know what they are interested in enough to go to grad school after undergrad and stay passionate and committed... I don't know if I have my interests figured out enough... or enough confidence to go for it... or enough patience... or enough readiness to not spend a year doing something else first...

options abound!


<3 JayBe

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Music discovery.. Legacy Pack

Thanks to the Soular Power System site which I absolutely recommend reading through, I discovered Legacy Pack. SOULful music.

Makes me think about the music that I love and connect with... music from the soul.


TEDxGreenville - Max Strom - There is No App for Happiness

Movement and Breath
-move body by initiating movement with breath
-we breathe in an auto-pilot way instead of a transformative way

Internet Technology
-some say the Internet will become self-aware by 2030
-explosion of technology, decline in happiness, believes there is a connection
-the way we use it or abuse it
-dedicating ourselves to a virtual life, instead of an actual life

-there is no software for becoming self-aware
-one of the first things we as human beings need to do is to become self-aware
-self aware: we understand our motivations, desires and ethics and are able to express them

-breathing helps to manage emotional and physical pain, science has acknowledged this with women giving birth- why not in high school? Might help you keep a job and a marriage

-technology should be used for what's it good for, not for what it's not good for
-all changes are not better
-we have a cellphone now where we can talk to people but it's improved our ability to communicate from anywhere, but has it improved our quality of communication with our loved ones?
-texting is one step up from Morse code
-we're teaching robots to make eye contact bc humans communicate 90% non-verbally,
-we rather communicate non-verbally through texting, using smiley faces to humanize

Reptilian Selves
-reptilian mind, we all have it: should I run from it? can I eat it? can I kill with it? can I have sex with it? can I make money with it?
-Internet financed: Defense Department- kill with it
-#1 business on the Internet: pornography by far
-can order in with it
-it really isn't that difficult, we just haven't been educated
-one of the reasons we are not as happy as we could be is that we are under-educated in terms of happiness

Thing We Need to Do
1) Ask ourselves questions
-vague, not concrete notion of ethics,
What are my ethics? what do I stand for? who are my friends?- who can I call at 3 in the morning and they will help me and come?
What would I bring in a suitcase if I had 30 minutes to pack and leave country?- we start to understand more of ourselves by our answers

-if you lose your family or your health, you lose everything
-Joseph Campbell- "sometimes we get to the top of the ladder and realize that we leaned against the wrong wall"

2) Know that Your Time and Your Lifespan are the Same Thing
-every hour you spend, you spend away from someone who loves you

3) Begin a One Hour a Day Regime that Illuminates, Strengthens, and Heals You
-do a cost-benefit analysis, you'll find the time
-how much time do you spend reading the Sports Page? how much time do you spend on social media? playing video games?

Upload from inside, our internal technology and live a life of meaning instead a life of existence. We upload love. We upload kindness. We upload our own happiness. And don't depend on external circumstance to make us that way.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TEDxHull - Honey Langcaster James - 7 Steps That Might Just Change Your Life

"Often our beliefs limit us more than reality."

"Expect success."

"Begin with your happy ending."


"Until you do what you believe in, you don't know whether you believe it or not."
- Tolstoy