Tuesday, August 28, 2012

funny how the world maintains me..

Today I was hungry.. and as a result.. grouchy

It was interesting because I wear my internal stuff on my face. I realized more recently I just have that kind of face, and it affects other people. It's hard to know how much though, because I'm not the one looking at myself walking down the street.

Anyway, as I left the house and walked to the train, a person handing out out cards to buy gold tried to hand me a card, and I resisted, standard, but he seemed struck by my demeanor, and almost mumbled, "Are you okay?" I know he's used to people not taking cards, but it was more than that that made him say that. I must have shown my ill-feeling on my face!

Later, as I was walking down 7th ave, a random fellow carting some objects looked at me as I walked by him in my running speed and said, "Smile" it happened so fast that I naturally smiled and then he said, "There you go." I feel a lot of life is interpretation, but it was just.. interesting how those events struck me, and showed me that I have to have myself together because other people notice. Even in a city of millions where we are running by each other, people notice.

Moral of the story: Feed yourself, Jessica.


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