Friday, December 28, 2012

"The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious."

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


"The weaker sex is actually the stronger sex because of the stronger sex's weakness for the weaker sex." -Chuck Jones
5. INDIVIDUATION-ASSERTION RELATIONSHIPS. These relationships are based on the assertion of each person's wants and needs, and on respect for the other person's
process of personal growth. Often they are focused on partners' struggles with what is missing or lacking in terms of self-discovery, becoming whole, and developing their potentialities. They require each person's acknowledgment and appreciation of their differences.

For many couples, in the nineteen-eighties and -nineties this pattern took the place of the acceptance relationship as an ideal. It includes elements of an acceptance relationship, but the roles are more flexible and the boundaries more permeable. Partners actively encourage each others' creativity and growth in new directions, and encourage the partner to
pursue personal interests with which they themselves have little connection. On vacation, if they have three weeks, they may do separate things for a week, then get together for the final two.

Partners in these relationships tend to appreciate differentness, thereby opening up the range of people that they can connect with. Although the partners often look very different on the outside, on the inside their processes for handling conflicts and problems may be similar.

The "working through" process in these relationships demands an ability to tolerate ambiguities. As partners develop goals and resolve problems, they need to have enough flexibility to deal with issues without getting locked into their "positions." They need to be open to finding new solutions rather than holding onto some fixed, and often unstated, concept of how things should be. It's not a major issue when one person doesn't want to follow an old program, such as what to do on Easter. They're willing to wait and discover how their feelings evolve rather than program most goals in advance.

For some couples in other forms of relationships, it's easier to move into an acceptance relationship, while for others it's easier to move into an individuation/assertion relationship. In a scripted relationship where partners have very different interests but genuinely care for each other, loosening the role expectations and creating space for each person to follow his or her own pursuits is one way to step out of chronic power struggles.

Keeping Love Alive
Although chemistry is a big part about falling in love, it isn't always part of staying in love. If you want to find love that lasts forever, you'll need to put in hard work as a couple. Over time, the physical side may wane, so don't expect fireworks every night. You need trust, laughter and loyalty to be present between the two of you.
After spending many years with the same partner, you may think that the chemistry has fizzled, but you can re-ignite that passion. Start remembering what you used to love about one another, and do something spontaneous to bring back those memories. Whether it's going out on a first date or going away for a romantic weekend, you can learn to feel that first love rush all over again.
Tantric sexuality is an art that has to be learnt and mastered. It’s the meditation and awakening of the mind while indulging in sex. It’s pure LSD of the sexual kind. Here, we’ll just tell you how to go about it the first time. Explore and create your own connections, because passionate sex, just like our own minds, is as unique as a fingerprint.

The Highly Sensitive Person in Love.

The Highly Sensitive Person In Love
by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D.

Why did I turn to this topic? First, a corny sounding reason, but so true: The world needs love. And I believe HSPs are meant to bring much of that love to light. But we need help with intimacy, I have found. Maybe we are afraid, have been hurt, and can't forget it. Or we have trouble being known and appreciated for who we really are. Or we have trouble in relationships because of our different needs, so that we always feel "too much" or "overly sensitive."

The Truth About The "Divorce Gene"
Most of us assume that the success of a relationship between friends or lovers depends on having good communication skills or sharing similar interests. But consider this: A 1995 study found that 50 percent of the risk of divorce is genetically determined. Does this mean success and fulfillment in social life are inherited? What can we do about that?

The single largest reason for this genetic effect is not a "divorce gene," I'm certain. (To say something is genetically determined doesn't clarify much--wearing skirts or owning a rifle is almost totally "genetically determined," thanks to the genes for gender plus a lot of cultural moderators.) Genetics enter into marriage because of the way that certain inherited temperaments cause trouble in relationships. They cause trouble only because most of us are totally ignorant about the reality of the drastic differences that can exist among nervous systems. But with the right guidance, the many "mismatches" in this world can have the most fulfilling relationships of all.

HSPs in Love
Let's start with the temperament we know, sensitivity. About 20% of us are highly sensitive persons (HSPs); at least 34% of love relationships involve an HSP. And everyone has at least one HSP friend. I have found that when HSPs aren't understood by themselves and others, that spells trouble. That's surely part of why my data show that, on the average HSPs, are a bit happier paired with each other. They understand each other.

My data also show that on the average HSPs' relationships in general are less happy--implying that relationships HSPs are in are less happy, at least for the HSP. Why? HSPs have nervous systems that pick up more on subtleties in the world and reflect on them deeply. That means, for starters, that they will tend to demand more depth in their relationships in order to be satisfied; see more threatening consequences in their partners' flaws or behaviors; reflect more and, if the signs indicate it, worry about how things are going.

Because HSPs are picking up on so much, they are also more prone to overstimulation, quicker to feel stress--including the stimulation and stress that can arise in any intense, intimate interactions. They need more down time, which can cause a partner to feel left out. They find different things enjoyable compared to others.

Sensation Seekers In Love
The Highly Sensitive Person in Love also explores, to a lesser degree, the other basic, well researched inherited trait-sensation seeking. Sensation seekers (SSs) are born with a deep curiosity and need to explore. Although this sounds like the opposite of being sensitive, nature planned it otherwise. Different genes and brain systems seem to govern the two traits, so that HSPs can also be SSs. But it certainly complicates their lives.

The Truth About The "Divorce Gene"
No wonder genetics cause 50% of the divorce rate-- this figure represents the many divorces caused by the pairing of persons with extremely different temperaments who have no clue about how the other really experiences life.

Relationship Advice For HSPs
The initial, often extraordinary attraction dissolves fast with familiarity. Then each can feel deeply disappointed with the other, even contemptuous.

Boredom is a special problem for a pair of similars, two HSPs in particular. They may be initially excited to find their similarities, but in time tend to use each other as a sanctuary rather than as a partner in exploring new experiences.
When we assume the best, we create a safe environment for our own self-exploration and spiritual maturity. You can see it in your physical posture. If you stand with your arms relaxed at your sides, your heart is wide open, welcoming the best. With your arms tightly crossed, then your heart is closed in an expectation of being hurt or afraid. Of course, it is easy to stand at the "water cooler" of life making the most negative assumptions about our jobs, our boss, our friends, and our families. But, a higher path is to practice loving yourself, loving your day, loving your life by assuming the BEST. At the very least, consider offering some benefit of the doubt that the universe knows what it’s doing and has your best interests in mind.

There are two paths that we walk:
We can walk in the darkness assuming that everyone we meet is out to get us.
We can walk the brighter path looking for the good in others, assuming the best.
My friend Anne posted on facebook recently, "Those who look to be offended are never disappointed (no offense)." It's true. If you want to see the dark side of anyone, you will find negativity reflected back to you. “Seek and you shall find.” Practice being critical, and you'll find plenty of ways to prove yourself right. But, the bigger question is, "Would you rather be happy or be right"?

We always have a choice. What you did yesterday need not hold you back from choosing better today. Practice assuming the best with a positive expectation, and you'll get really good at looking for the good. Barbara Frederickson, professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, explains that positive emotions allow us to see more, whereas negative emotions literally narrow our thinking. At the end of the day, there are really only two buckets: fear or love. The bucket you have made the most deposits of energy into will grow; think of this as your Happiness Return on Investment (ROI).

Only you are responsible for your Happiness ROI. And no matter what challenges you face, you can always choose to assume the best. As Paulo Coelho reminds us in The Alchemist, “The secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.” Just try it for a week: assume the best, and feel the abundance of joy that comes as a result of seeing more. Love yourself, love your day, love your life!

“We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen. Every day, God gives us the sun -- and also one moment in which we have the ability to change everything that makes us unhappy. Every day, we try to pretend that we haven't perceived that moment, that it doesn't exist -- that today is the same as yesterday and will be the same as tomorrow. But if people really pay attention to their everyday lives, they will discover that magic moment. It may arrive in the instant when we are doing something mundane, like putting our front-door key in the lock; it may lie hidden in the quiet that follows the lunch hour or in the thousand and one things that all seem the same to us. But that moment exists--a moment when all the power of the stars becomes a part of us and enables us to perform miracles.”

- Paulo Coelho in By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept

Quotes on racism

“My generation's apathy. I'm disgusted with it. I'm disgusted with my own apathy too, for being spineless and not always standing up against racism, sexism and all those other -isms the counterculture has been whinning about for years.” Kurt Kobain

"The fight for peace is one for a stable and racially integrated world"
Tom Hayden, The Port Huron Statement

If a white man falls off a chair drunk, it's just a drunk. If a Negro does, it's the whole damn Negro race. ~Bill Cosby

When you know you know
It's all in your head
Most people never take the time to get clear on exactly what will be fulfilling for them and so they keep attracting the same people and situations into their lives.

You can change all that.

We’ll work together to clean up what’s not working logistically and in your belief system so you can bring to you what will serve, empower and pleasure you.

Bahá’í Faith

What is the purpose of religion?

Through Divine Messengers, God has revealed His laws and teachings for humanity in order that the individual soul can draw near to Him and society can advance spiritually and materially. Throughout history, the revelations of the Messengers of God have renewed religion so that humanity can come to understand its true purpose.

Do we have souls?

The essential identity of each person is a rational and immortal soul. Although our existence on earth depends on our physical bodies, human nature is fundamentally spiritual.

How do Bahá'ís pray?

People commune with God through prayer and receive guidance through study of the Word of God. The Bahá'í writings contain prayers for a wide range of purposes and occasions in addition to certain daily obligatory prayers. Moreover, Bahá'ís believe that work performed in a spirit of service is worship. Thus, together with active service, fasting, meditation, and obedience to spiritual and moral laws, prayer enables us to develop and grow closer to God.

What is the purpose of life?

The purpose of human existence is fundamentally spiritual: to develop our spiritual and intellectual potentiality by coming to know and worship God and thus contribute to an ever advancing civilization.

What happens when I die?

After its separation from the physical body, the soul enters into a spiritual realm of existence in which it draws ever closer to God. Its progress depends on the preparation it made on this earthly plane in response to the teachings of God’s Messengers.

Simultaneous visions.
Simultaneous dreams.
Simultaneous passions you would risk your life for.
Your mental health for.
Your vital human energy for.
The passion is in line with the other.
The goals have the same desire for consequence.
Yet you have a responsibility to choose.
It is only a decision you can make.
The responsibility of "adulthood."
And the moment you break,
is the moment you wake,
to the fact you must choose.
And lose,
having them both at the same time.
Racing with my dream
Racing with my lover
Romantic love can be an enjoyable and harmless emotional game
—as long as we do not attempt to construct our lives around it.
When we look deeply into the causes of romantic love,
we see that it is a complex, conventional set of feelings
implanted in us by popular culture.

This emotional response is private and self-contained,
sometimes stimulated by another person or an image of our Dream Lover.

But instead of 'falling in love',
we can create unique, singular relationships
—reality-based interactions, free, loving commitments,
based on knowledge, respect, and mutuality.

Monday, December 24, 2012

"The fundamentals of the whole economic condition are divine in nature and are associated with the world of the heart and spirit. This is fully explained in the Bahá'í teaching, and without knowledge of its principles no improvement in the economic state can be realized...Strive, therefore, to create love in the hearts in order that they may become glowing and radiant. When that love is shining, it will permeate other hearts even as this electric light illumines its surroundings. When the love of God is established, everything else will be realized. This is the true foundation of all economics. Reflect upon it. Endeavor to become the cause of the attraction of souls rather than to enforce minds. Manifest true economics to the people. Show what love is, what kindness is, what true severance is and generosity. This is the important thing for you to do. Act in accordance with the teachings of Bahá'u'lláh. All His Books will be translated. Now is the time for you to live in accordance with His words. Let your deeds be the real translation of their meaning. Economic questions will not attract hearts. The love of G-d alone will attract them. Economic questions are most interesting; but the power which moves, controls and attracts the hearts of men is the love of G-d."


Friday, December 21, 2012

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become."

sexual/spiritual struggle

Dr. Archibald Hart writes, "Most men face a lifelong struggle to control their sexuality. The struggle is between their hormones and their higher aspirations. It is a battle between their seemingly uncontrollable urges and the fear of succumbing to these urges. Ultimately, it is a struggle over integrity, right and wrong, uprightness and wholeness."

Gender Difference

If he was a deer panting for water, she was a camel who seemed capable of walking through the desert for months at a time without a water break.

Prison of the Mind

The prison's in your mind

Photo: 1912's Perfect Woman Was From Brooklyn, Weighed 171 Lbs, Had Pear-Shaped Body

she achieved her perfection by "Sane living... I have eaten only what I wanted and when I wanted it."

Can't Sleep

When you can't sleep cuz the demons, anxieties presenting themselves

Thursday, December 20, 2012



Prof and Fashawn
Knitting Factory
Brooklyn, NY, US

Knitting Factory Brooklyn
361 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211-3307
United States
(347) 529-6696

Doors open at 08:00PM


Prof and Fashawn

The "Upgraded" Me

To be comfortable in your own skin.

To have a clear mind.

To no longer live solely by emotion.

To express myself thoroughly.

To be comfortable with what I wear.

To think in poetry.

To... love myself.

To consider myself beautiful.

To be proud of who I've become, and how my decisions in the past have brought me to today.

To embrace my decisions and the mistakes I've made, and heal to see them positively.

To know who I am.

To have fulfilling friendships.

To know I am an inspiration, supporter, lover.

To feel close to my family.

To trust and be confident in myself even if I might not understand why yet.

Contemplating consciousness.
Remedies for a clouded mind: ________________________

Clouding your mind: ________________________

12.20.12 to do

To do:

-Holiday cards
-Mail cards
-Xmas cookies
-Bday collage

-Type up poem-- organize
-Graffiti + names in calligraphy

-Grad school rec letters
-Grad school SOPs
I'd like to work on my book today. In a writing, deep-thinking, restful kind of mood.


Realizing Potential Through Support

You gotta want more out of life.

There's so much more to live for.

You choose who you want to be.


Socialization from peer pressure... culture... social reproduction

Is it OK to exercise if I have a cold?


Let your body be your guide. If you have a cold and feel miserable, take a break. Scaling back or taking a few days off from exercise when you're sick shouldn't affect your performance. Resume your normal workout routine gradually as you begin to feel better. And check with your doctor if you aren't sure if it's OK to exercise.

Remember if you do choose to exercise when you're sick, reduce the intensity and length of your workout. If you attempt to exercise at your normal intensity when you have more than a simple cold, you could risk more serious injury or illness.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

"Never forget that you are the most important person in your life. I know that sounds selfish and conceited but if you are not happy and healthy what impact will that have on those around you? Sometimes you have to put yourself first."
I love the amazing people in my life I call my friends. They do more for me than they know. < 3
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not, But remember what you now have was once among the things only hoped for.."

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Yeah, I'm happy when I'm alone, but I still get lonely.
"Don't be so amazing, or I'll miss you too much.

I felt something that I had never touched."

-Lime Tree, Bright Eyes

Sunday, December 16, 2012

“To live in this world

you must be able
to do three things

to love what is mortal;
to hold it
against your bones knowing
your own life depends on it;
and, when the time comes to let it go,
to let it go”

- Mary Oliver

to look at l8r

Friday, December 14, 2012
The ghetto, it'll either make you or break you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I want to say forever.
"Forget those who left you"

"Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly." - Julie Andrews.
Life doesn't make sense until you press rewind
The longing for someone to catch me when I fall.
I need a person who identifies and feels the same.

-Eastside Party, Fashawn
"A broken heart can make great art"

This is amazing. Being happy alone. So much speaks to me.

This sexist society and its embeddedness in our heads, culture, relationships, music, media, etc saddens me. POWER to all the womyn out there. May we know our strength and power and be thoughtful of our actions and how we perpetuate societal norms and power relations. It's a shame how we are still not seen and treated as equal in 2012, but we must unite to empower each other. MEN- take accountability for how you treat womyn, we want to be seen and treated as equal without extra expectations. We are not an object for your entertainment or pleasure, we are human beings who deserve to be valued for the beautiful creatures we are. I'm happy if this makes you uncomfortable.
Good night, precious. I am thinking of and missing you today.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

someone's fb comment i don't know, and I like it:

faith is a mechanism by which human consciousness can be expanded through sensitivity to things which very well may exist but not be experienceable until a certain mental configuration is achieved. Without faith to some degree these things would never be tuned into.
"Love is a path to the heart that knows its own way."
Relentless individualism: go
There are few things so precious in this world as a clear mind.
it is possible, although not yet proven, that afternoon sessions may produce more robust results.

Why Afternoon May Be the Best Time to Exercise

When Daily Stress Gets in the Way of Life

Another of Dr. Chansky’s invaluable tips is to “let go of the rope.” When feeling pressured to figure out how to fix things now, “walk away for a few minutes, but promise to come back.” As with a computer that suddenly misbehaves, Dr. Chansky suggests that you “unplug and refresh,” perhaps by “taking a breathing break,” inhaling and exhaling calmly and intentionally.

“Movement shifts the moment.”

When you have a clear head and are feeling less overwhelmed, you’ll be better able to figure out the next step.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Experience. Reflect. Experience. Emotion. Energy. Cluttered mind. Regain focus. Experience.

I feel like life is one long story, getting to know myself.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Too add to fdmtl of life list

-always have something to look forward to, if it's at the end of an assignment, to get you through something else, etc. Focusing on the positive ahead to get you through the present makes what you have to go through more bearable when the present itself is hard to bear.
Natural reflection is such a beautiful thing.
Memories go through the mind.
Making sense of what I wanted
What I felt
What I did
All that was missing then was knowledge of self.
Now, it's all coming together quite lovely,
Giving me peace of mind.

<3 Jess

Friday, December 7, 2012

the flood of humanity

Riding the Subway as Therapy

Wrapped in steel and plastic and surrounded by strangers, riding public transportation can be therapeutic as a trip to a local psychologist or a night out with my friends.

great blog

Daily Inspiration

Friday, Dec. 7, 2012
(Last fall quarter classes today of my undergraduate years)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Some people need to break down walls. I need to build them up.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Things have been very difficult for me the past few weeks but especially the past few days, especially since Friday. Fell in love and lost- heart-broken and at a loss of confidence. Interview and wasn't my best. Finals next week. Drunkenness at home. So much negativity. So much to be depressed about. Head pulses, headache abounds, the mind is stressed, the body suffers, clarity is gone, the heart is tense, purpose is confused. The home is broken. It's hard to also not fall apart. My best friend deployed. He was the one who understood my pain and took it away, who gave me confidence and made me feel beautiful when I didn't have it for myself and wanted more. Yes, I am not well right now, but I will overcome. I will not spiral downward like the times before. I will not lose myself. I will be strong. I will overcome. I will borrow the energy of others. I will be supported and loved by my friends and family I have. I will be pushed forward by the care of others. I will regain strength from music and taking of myself, from believing better horizons, from pursuing my dreams and goals (YES I HAVE THEM). I HAVE THEM AND I DESERVE THEM. I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY AND FREE AND NOT STRUGGLE AND SUFFER SO MUCH. I NEED TO NO LONGER ALLOW MYSELF TO PEOPLE WHO AREN'T RIGHT FOR MY LOVE. I NEED TO PRACTICE INDEPENDENCE AND CONFIDENCE AND SELF-LOVE.

Onward from here,

Saturday, December 1, 2012

"A relationship's a mirror."

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Psychodynamic psychotherapy is a form of depth psychology, the primary focus of which is to reveal the unconscious content of a client's psyche in an effort to alleviate psychic tension. In this way, it is similar to psychoanalysis. It also relies on the interpersonal relationship between client and therapist more than other forms of depth psychology. In terms of approach, this form of therapy also tends to be more eclectic than others, taking techniques from a variety of sources, rather than relying on a single system of intervention. It is a focus that has been used in individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy, family therapy, and to understand and work with institutional and organizational contexts.

Core Principles and Characteristics

Although psychodynamic psychotherapy can take many forms, commonalities include:

An emphasis on the centrality of intrapsychic and unconscious conflicts, and their relation to development.
Seeing defenses as developing in internal psychic structures in order to avoid unpleasant consequences of conflict.
A belief that psychopathology develops especially from early childhood experiences.
A view that internal representations of experiences are organized around interpersonal relations.
A conviction that life issues and dynamics will re-emerge in the context of the client-therapist relationship as transference and counter-transference.
Use of free association as a major method for exploration of internal conflicts and problems.
Focusing on interpretations of transference, defense mechanisms, and current symptoms and the working through of these present problems.
Trust in insight as critically important for success in therapy.

" You have to take the good with the bad, smile with the sad, love what you got, and remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget, learn from your mistakes, but never regret. "

~ Chucky ~

From a Giver

"Today I am strong, happy, healthy and successful. I am alive and full of life. I have love to share and I am willing to give of myself. I am hopeful and joyful and enjoy each minute of each day because I have been given the gift of life and out of respect for that gift I am going to live it."

"If the path you are on seems too easy then you are not on the right path. The way to get to where you really want to be is to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Nothing worth having ever came to easy."

Build Your Confidence.

Friday, November 30, 2012

"A thug changes, and love changes, and best friends become strangers."


Thursday, November 29, 2012


on spark
Need that spark to get back up.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Such a comforting view.

Monday, November 26, 2012


recreating scars throughout the seasons.

stays the same.

begins to transform.

4x2 X 2

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Reasoning and understanding of one’s emotional reaction
Fight the demons.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

"You look so happy being one"

I think that is the essence of one of my biggest dreams of a life partner...

to be one. To understand each other. To be one.
I love reflecting.

I love food and taking pictures of it when getting delicious vegan entrees at restaurants. And eating it after of course.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

checking my heart.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"If Your Mind Begins To Doubt"

Story Behind....
For some reason you can tell someone you love them a million times but if written down only once it verifies that emotion as authentic.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Life is short. Spend time with your friends.

Overhearing conversation...things I need to hear

Make the best of the EXPERIENCE, even if it is challenging...


may it be WORTH IT


think about QUALITY


that is the word I've been missing, the reality I've been chasing and not finding, and the gift I've been GIVING...

that is what I need to receive, so that I have my own relationship equity..


Thank you, Liberty, for the reminder.

The reason I have so much energy for change is because I choose not to forget the people, places, and struggles I've seen, experienced, and empathized with. Each and every time I hear a story, notice or learn about a reality of injustice and oppression, I am offered perspective on what is truly important. And that is: to be alive and truly living. It is with those people and places that are forgotten that I am found most alive and renewed to make this life more livable for everyone.
Why I do what I do and possess energy and passion? It's because of exposing myself to stories, lives, and struggles of others. I take the risk of being emotionally involved to see, hear, and feel and after, I choose not to forget. Instead, I absorb and feed off that energy for all the people and places I choose not to forget.
It's a shame to be a person that aims to tip the scales toward justice for others in society and not demand more for myself in my relations with people

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sometimes it's good to burn bridges.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Add to my Fundamentals of Life List

-see criticisms or setbacks as OPPORTUNITIES


Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


It is believed by some philosophers (notably A.C. Grayling) that a good rationale must be independent of emotions, personal feelings or any kind of instincts. Any process of evaluation or analysis, that may be called rational, is expected to be highly objective, logical and "mechanical". If these minimum requirements are not satisfied i.e. if a person has been, even slightly, influenced by personal emotions, feelings, instincts or culturally specific, moral codes and norms, then the analysis may be termed irrational, due to the injection of subjective bias.

on the beautiful thing called rationality

Monday, November 5, 2012

But it's all good stuff.
And fulfilling.
So it's all worth it."

Monday, October 29, 2012