Thursday, June 20, 2013

Make Up Your Mind to Go with the Flow

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.” ~Lao Tzu

Of course we all know the power of positive thought, the law of attraction, and manifesting.

But for many of us, our thoughts often don’t serve us, yet we still think them. Better not to think at all!

When we think negatively about our circumstances or ourselves—when we dwell on our past or create angst trying to control our future—when we simply over-think our lives, we effectively stop the universal flow (or stop it from moving freely through our lives and thoughts).

And going with the universal flow is the key to your life falling into place.

Thinking “correctly” means aligning our thoughts with the universe—actually using our smarts to go with the flow, rather than being swept along in a flood stream of thoughts, in the maelstrom of our minds.

“Stop thinking and end your problems.”

Correcting our minds means stopping them from trying to control our lives, because they never will. They’ll only control the misery we manufacture for ourselves out of the pain we’ll inevitably experience.

Much of the suffering is all in our heads.

We need to “correct” our minds so that we can use them for thoughtful reflection rather than anxious rumination, so that we can plan and then act without seeking to control everything; so that we can find clarity rather than stress in whatever situation we find ourselves in; and so we can let the perfect wisdom of the universe in.

Perhaps no one’s life is perfect, but I can now feel sure that mine has fallen into place, without even thinking about it.

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