Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I woke up with the sun, feeling whole and restored, and before my alarm went off. I was sleeping on my stomach on the couch and awoke to a warm and sunny light-filled room. It was 7:36. Feeling energized, I prayed, and it was a wonderful davenning. Then I took a run, showered, got dressed, listened to hip-hop and DJ Sabzi. Then I walked to Whole Foods, and as I walked in I smiled and said hello the a man at the homeless outreach table. He said "you've got a great smile!" I said, thank you. Gee, how I've missed that New York speak-the-compliments-on-your-mind-even-if-youre-across-the-street-and-have-to-yell energy. He lit up my morning.

I got some coffee and a vegan chocolate chip cookie, treating myself :), and am sitting inside now. I have class at 11 and it's 10:30 now so I ought to be heading out. Just want to share that life is going well. I saw The Dybbuk yesterday, a Yiddish play, and it was spiritually and mystically profound. I needed it. It's a push back on the right path, and yes, I believe in paths.

Lovingly, energetically, happily,
the girl named Jessica Baltmanas

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