Movement and Breath
-move body by initiating movement with breath
-we breathe in an auto-pilot way instead of a transformative way
Internet Technology
-some say the Internet will become self-aware by 2030
-explosion of technology, decline in happiness, believes there is a connection
-the way we use it or abuse it
-dedicating ourselves to a virtual life, instead of an actual life
-there is no software for becoming self-aware
-one of the first things we as human beings need to do is to become self-aware
-self aware: we understand our motivations, desires and ethics and are able to express them
-breathing helps to manage emotional and physical pain, science has acknowledged this with women giving birth- why not in high school? Might help you keep a job and a marriage
-technology should be used for what's it good for, not for what it's not good for
-all changes are not better
-we have a cellphone now where we can talk to people but it's improved our ability to communicate from anywhere, but has it improved our quality of communication with our loved ones?
-texting is one step up from Morse code
-we're teaching robots to make eye contact bc humans communicate 90% non-verbally,
-we rather communicate non-verbally through texting, using smiley faces to humanize
Reptilian Selves
-reptilian mind, we all have it: should I run from it? can I eat it? can I kill with it? can I have sex with it? can I make money with it?
-Internet financed: Defense Department- kill with it
-#1 business on the Internet: pornography by far
-can order in with it
-it really isn't that difficult, we just haven't been educated
-one of the reasons we are not as happy as we could be is that we are under-educated in terms of happiness
Thing We Need to Do
1) Ask ourselves questions
-vague, not concrete notion of ethics,
What are my ethics? what do I stand for? who are my friends?- who can I call at 3 in the morning and they will help me and come?
What would I bring in a suitcase if I had 30 minutes to pack and leave country?- we start to understand more of ourselves by our answers
-if you lose your family or your health, you lose everything
-Joseph Campbell- "sometimes we get to the top of the ladder and realize that we leaned against the wrong wall"
2) Know that Your Time and Your Lifespan are the Same Thing
-every hour you spend, you spend away from someone who loves you
3) Begin a One Hour a Day Regime that Illuminates, Strengthens, and Heals You
-do a cost-benefit analysis, you'll find the time
-how much time do you spend reading the Sports Page? how much time do you spend on social media? playing video games?
Upload from inside, our internal technology and live a life of meaning instead a life of existence. We upload love. We upload kindness. We upload our own happiness. And don't depend on external circumstance to make us that way.
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