In other words- I totally, 100% understand that being stressed, irritated, and fearful is not good for me. I know this as much as I know the sky is blue, mmm kay?
But, life happens. Shit happens. I would say about 93.6% of the time I am happy, positive, upbeat, forward focused and tap dancing through life. But, there’s that other 6.4% that I’m not.
Well, that’s what this post is about. It’s all a process. All of it. And sometimes included in that process is just having a fucking plain ‘ol bad day. Or week. Amy Smith (aka The Joy Junkie) is my bestie. Every once in a while we have these conversations that Amy has lovingly nicknamed: “Shitting Glitter”. We get on the phone and we bitch, moan, vent, cry, shake our fists in the air and well, basically have shit fits. We listen to each other, and mostly don’t try to fix it unless the other one asks. Which in most cases if it’s a real shit fit, it’s not about fixing it, but more so just getting it out. These don’t happen very often, and when they do, we are totally aware of what is happening.
Moral of the story (because you know I always have one….that’s what I do) is that it’s OKAY TO BE HUMAN. No one is 100% on their best game all the time. No one. And if you pretend to never have times like these, you’re lying to yourself and to the world. Pants on fire. Feel your feelings, but if you’re having a “shitting glitter” time, don’t let those feelings take over your life, any by all means, don’t make big decisions during these times. Just be aware, get it out, LEARN and move on.
"when we blame others, or our shitty circumstances, we’re letting *that* dictate how we feel! I always like to give myself a timeline of how long I plan to be in a bad mood. It’s never more than a day or 2!"
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