There is nothing more consistent with unhappiness than spending your time in a way that doesn’t serve who you are. And to the contrary, there is no more profound source of fulfillment and happiness than knowing you are traveling your own path and making the dent in the world you know you’re capable of.
3 Steps to blazing a trail and discovering your purpose:
1. Know your Values.
These are your building blocks. What’s most important to you above all else? I’m talking the zero compromise areas of who you are. Family, health, freedom, honesty, intimacy, playfulness, love, adventure, achievement. The list is infinite.
Pick your top few. Prioritize them. What events and experiences allow you to feel them? This is your foundation. Your compass.
2. Know your Super Powers.
We all have things we naturally knock out of the park. Your core strengths. Some might even call them gifts. Is it public speaking, teaching, analysis, social interaction, influencing, positivity, discipline, problem solving? Most of us have a gut feeling of what these are.
What have past experiences shown? What have people consistently complimented you on? What’s you favorite type of project to put your heart into? The book Strengths Finder 2.0 is an awesome place to start.
3. Know your Passion Moments.
We’ve all had them. A moment or time in your life when you felt invincible. It could come during a work project, caring for a child, exploring a new place or cooking a meal. Anything as long as you feel it at your core. You’ve likely had more than one.
Keep a list of these Passion Moments. And noticing this in others is just as important. What have you seen people around you do that inspire purpose? This list will never stop growing and with every addition, you gain more clarity on what lights a fire in your belly.
“Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.” -Unknown
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