Saturday, January 5, 2013

When the animals come to us,
Asking for our help,
Will we know what they are saying?
When the plants speak to us
In their delicate, beautiful language,
Will we be able to answer them?
When the planet herself
Sings to us in our dreams,
Will we be able to wake ourselves, and act?

Brach states, “When we know that the animals and plants are part of who we are, we can listen and respond. Ignoring the trees is like ignoring our lungs when they are congested and we can’t breathe. Extinction of the songbirds means the end our our living music. When the planet herself calls to us in our dreams, if we are in touch with the truth of our mutual belonging, our hearts naturally stir with care. We remember that the web of life is our home.”

In our busy lives, it can be too easy to feel disconnected from others, and from the Earth herself. If this is you, let 2013 be the year you begin to reconnect with the voice in your heart.

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