Friday, March 25, 2011

Cool organization Take Two

Shared with me by Lior A.

We, Kobi Skolnick and Aziz Abu Sarah have partnered together to provide concrete analysis on the Israeli Palestinian conflict and explore practical ideas to end it. Together we work to demonstrate that partnerships across the divide of entrenched conflicts, when based in dialogue and mutual respect, can help build new ways of coexisting together within communities.
Through our work, we hope to build new bridges between Jews, Muslims and Christians and inspire less polarized perspectives in relation to the conflict in Israel and Palestine.

What I like: "We together present an example of two extremes that met in the middle with hope and vision for a peaceful Palestine and Israel. Our experiences have taught us that all sides must stop embracing radicalism in order to achieve a real peace."

"We also hope to bridge the divide by fostering new ways of thinking accompanied by alternative new behaviors. Together, we strive to demonstrate that partnerships across the divide of entrenched conflicts, when based on dialogue and mutual respect, can help to build new ways of being together in community."

Cool organizations

so I was thinking how I hear about so many cool organizations. I think I'll start compiling them here so I won't lose track and spread awareness to anyone who reads.

Take One:

The Amir Project

Building an environmentally conscious and socially just future

Heart gardenPeace gardenMud bucket
Our Goal is to create a cultural movement, starting with youth, that is dedicated toward serving those in need and building an environmentally sustainable future.

Our Mission One of Amir’s educational goals is to teach children that environmental sustainability is in itself a social justice issue; if they overuse resources, they are directly affecting others

What I like: Amir Project connects environmental sustainability with social justice. By overusing resources, they teach we affect others. Not only is this important for children to learn, I also believe in the incredible power of gardening as an activity for conflict resolution.

Retreating inward

Has led me to over-complexities
I am ready for the big picture!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Love should make the world go round! Love makes my world go round :-)

Friday, March 18, 2011


But if he holds fast to My refuge,
He makes Me his friend;
He makes Me his friend.

-Yeshyahu 27:5

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sovereign states of have-nots
I was a scholar before college
I'm retreating inward.
If you actually a professor how to do well on a final, what they actually mean to ask in response is, "How much are you willing to kill yourself?"

Really, this week is disgusting
The drug market must climb
The caffeine industry must make up for any previous indebtedness
Health comes second
Anything that keeps one way awake is permitted
Poison in the body: become robot: CHECK

Abandon any traces of normal life
Forget what the sun feels like
Lose your social skills

This week and what we do is disgusting
Don't ever forget to question the system
This is not against studying
This is against the eduction system

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Break Free written by David Abramson

A reflection on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

No I can't sleep tonight because the fire's burning deep inside

All there is is the beautiful light and the spirit as my guide

I feel alive as I can be, I heard the whisper from the said:

Break free from the cycle of violence

Anger and hate ideology

Lift the veil from ignorance

And rule equality!

Oversimplified labels divide us more

We must deconstruct to settle the score

Israelis, Palestinians, the left and the right

At the core we are the same, let's stop the fight!

So much history of genocide

Holocaust, and murder in the night

Bombs on man, his kids and wife

How much longer must we continue the strife?

Unite for truth and justice

Equality and rights

Because we all just want to live

And feel love at the end of the night!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

one thing to get back to..

once finals week is over and life resumes as normal.. meditation on where the education system finds itself, why it is that way, and how to overcome and recreate the system to be had.

Friday, March 11, 2011


We sell our dreams and our potential just to escape through that buzz.
--Macklemore Otherside


A major tsunami has hit Japan and is on its way to 20 countries. Here are the times they are to hit:

May peace and safety be for all those in affected areas.

Wonderful time of dancing and connection

Tonight Tritons for Israel brought the famous Israeli band Hadag Nahash to Porter's Pub. It was such an incredible feeling of family, community, connection, fun, and an overall good time of conversation and connection. Again, my life is overwhelmed by love. I was in the dancing presence of so many people tonight. Makes me want to give back all that much more.

So proud of the community.

Thanks for the good times, Hadag!

Monday, March 7, 2011



I'll remember this day.

So grateful

Here's my venting of how amazing life is.

I've been through an epic journey these past 3 weeks...

hit a low, family trouble and financial trouble, most of all, made a lot of realizations, almost left two organizations...etc

Then I studied Torah, got in the car and there was a nice surprise on my phone, I am realizing the amazing friends that I have, and realizing that my life is full of love. Things come and get better in their own time.

Life is a gift meant to be lived. Living is loving. Spread the joy!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Lack of understanding leads us away from unity.

It is better to light a candle than curse the dark.

If we are to have real peace, we must begin with the children.
Mahatma Gandhi

Youth is the engine of the world.

Sometimes you have to close your eyes to see.

If you wanna see change
then put your ones in the air
then point to yourself cause change starts right there

I know it's so cliche but I'm angry that some can't eat
Meanwhile I'm letting a damn feast of pastas and canned meats
Rot in my pantry
Like lord please can we speak on this frankly
Like G-d why you letting this happen?
Amen, he answered, son I'm askin you the same thing
Cause you're supposed to be my servants
Out here working
Like you're my hands reaching out to those that's hurtin
You don't have long on this earth
And I hope you won't compromise...

“I can't wait to get back to New York City where at least when I walk down the street, no one ever hesitates to tell me exactly what they think of me.”

When you leave New York, you ain't goin' nowhere.

Every person on the streets of New York is a type. The city is one big theater where everyone is on display.

New York, the nation's thyroid gland.